Gesundheitsgefährende Plagiate im Umlauf: Ghost Bond XL

Health-endangering plagiarism in circulation: Ghost Bond XL

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Deceptively similar - Ghost Bond XL plagiarism from the Far East

We are a certified reseller of the Ghost Bond brand from the Irish manufacturer Prohairlabs. Counterfeits from the Far East were discovered on various sales platforms.

The hairpiece glue can hardly be distinguished from the original Ghost Bond and is bought by thousands of users on various sales platforms. Where the price is the sole deciding factor, the wearer of a hairpiece or wig chooses the cheapest provider from the list. If the price is below €16.50, there is a high probability of receiving a plagiarism. Because what consumers usually no longer notice: shipping costs, sales fees and included VAT are added to the item price.

There is a price threshold for all products at which it is no longer worth selling. However, counterfeits are usually produced much cheaper, so that the sale is still worthwhile even at very low prices. Especially if you can attract hundreds or thousands of customers on platforms just by setting the cheapest price. Because trust and regular customers had to be built up by the original manufacturer, often at great expense and over a long period of time. This does not apply to the plagiarist.

Caution hazardous to health!

As the manufacturer affected by the plagiarism reported to us, incidents caused by Ghost Bond plagiarism were reported. This resulted in severe skin irritation.

How to recognize Ghost Bond plagiarism?

On the one hand, as explained by the price. On the other hand, there are slight deviations. The bottle of the Fake Ghost Bond XL has a hard edged cap while the Prohairlabs original is round and looks similar to a pacifier. You will only ever receive this original bottle from us.

Otherwise, the bottles and the labels are very identical, although the original label is quite elaborately printed with a silver stripe.

We don't want to stir up fear. The products of the Ghost Bond series are world-renowned for their product safety and compatibility and are therefore one of the best-selling second hair adhesives. Although the monthly costs for a second hair carrier can be considerable, one should not save too much when bonding. After all, the glue comes into contact with the skin around the clock and often for years. While most people pay attention to the reputation of the brand, very few pay attention to the seller of the goods. On some sales platforms, these are only visible at second glance.

You can always be sure to get the original Ghost Bond XL from us at Fidentia-Hair. We always obtain all Ghost Bond products directly from the manufacturer Prohairlabs.

Best regards